Does the performance of ESD310 and ESD300 portable SSDs get affected by high temperatures during use?

Category : Specification / Capacity / Performance
Both ESD310 and ESD300 are outstanding choices when it comes to transfer speed and convenience. They feature a USB 3.2 Gen 2 interface, which delivers impressive read speeds of up to 1,050 MB/s and write speeds of up to 950 MB/s.
Regarding convenience, both SSDs share the exact dimensions of commonly available flash drives on the market. While faster transfer speeds and a smaller form factor may lead to increased heat in specific areas, there's no need to be concerned about its impact on your usage.
This is because the ESD310 and ESD300 come equipped with specially designed lightweight and durable aluminum casings, enhancing their heat dissipation capabilities.

The ESD310 and ESD300 are backed by a five-year limited warranty, ensuring consumers have peace of mind during usage.
All Transcend SSD series products undergo rigorous testing at various stages, including vibration, temperature, humidity, read/write, and functionality tests to maintain the highest product quality.

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